Apteekrimäe forest trail

Address: Mäe tänav 23, Otepää linn, Valga County 67403
Contact: (+372) 6767122
Website: https://loodusegakoos.ee/where-to-go/nature-reserves/otepaa-nature-park/apteekrimagi-forest-trail-4-km
E-mail: info.kiidjarve@rmk.ee
Apteekrimäe forest track starts and ends by Otepää Sports Hall on Mäe Street. The 4 km track runs through the forest to Nüpli Sports Track and then back to the Apteekri forest, where it meets the forest path between Lake Marguse and Otepää Garden Town before returning to its starting point after crossing the Sulaoja bridge. The track can be used all year round.

Times and prices

Open 24 hours


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Otepää Nature Park

Nature & Wildlife

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