Water sport

Kick sledge hike on the ice of Lake Pühajärv or along the sports tracks

Address: Tennisevälja tänav , Otepää linn, Valga County 67405
Contact: (+372) 5272701
Website: http://www.loodusturism.ee/en/
E-mail: imre.arro@loodusturism.ee
Otepää's excellent snow conditions and varied landscape with narrow forest trails and prepared sleigh roads are perfect for kick sledging. Ice conditions permitting, an entirely unique experience is provided by a kick sledge hike across the lake ice. Many participants haven't used a kick sledge since their childhood. Some try it for the first time; however, anyone can master it! The guides add fun to the gathering breaks with games and exciting tales about nature. During the 2–4 hour hike, we will cover about 7 km of winter roads. The size of the group starts from 10 people. This is an EHE product (ecotourism quality mark Genuine and Interesting Estonia).

Times and prices

01.12-Open advance bookings onlyAdult: 25 €
School student: 20 €


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