Tourist Information

Viewing platform of Tehvandi ski-jump hill

Address: Otepää vald, Nüpli küla, Valga County 67408
Contact: (+372) 7669500
The viewing platform of the Tehvandi ski-jump hill is a unique tourist and sports site in the Nordic countries – you can go on a platform that is 34 m high and watch ski-jumpers train or compete. You can get to the top of the hill by stairs or lift. The height of the viewing platform in the Tehvandi K90 ski-jump hill complex is 218 metres above sea level. It is the second-highest observation tower in Southern Estonia after the viewing tower on Suur Munamägi Hill. Come and enjoy the panoramic views of the Otepää Highlands!

Times and prices

02.06-31.08Open 7-day calendarAdult: 3 €
Child: 2 €
Pensioner: 2 €
School student: 2 €
01.09-01.06Open advance bookings onlyAdult: 3 €
Child: 2 €
Pensioner: 2 €
School student: 2 €


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Otepää turismiinfo
Via Hanseatica